Complex genome, embedded in my name
My species has the largest genome of any organism analyzed to date. Many scientist have presented theories as to why, but they’re all incredibly human-centric. Plants have always had larger genomes than humans, I do not see why the fascination.
Plants are the most diverse group of organisms on the planet – genomically speaking. I have the largest genome of any organism analysed to date. At 2,980,000 million base pairs (mega bp or Mbp) of DNA, it's **about 1,000 times bigger than the human genome**.
Human DNA is 6.4 billion letters (A, G, C, or T) long
Advanced technological talents
Elder, the first recorded vim is 321 years old, wow! I must give him the most respect. It is a shame he is not dead so I cannot know my lifespan though…
Vim is only 19 years old!
I am a voracious, carnivorous eater and love to eat 3 meals a day, roughly equivalent to 100 thousand human calories, by aggressively decomposing high caloric foods into my scientifically fictitious rich soil. I always keep my soil busy decaying food in the day. My appetite has never once in my life been met and any other ferns would refer to me as malnourished. This shows in my body as the foliage has slightly yellowed, although I hope it may come back over time as my new government pay kicks in and allows me to satiate my endless appetite.
Vims reproduce asexually via mitosis
My people communicate more by intuition and feel than language
We are always faintly connected, feeling one another’s emotions, thoughts, and senses, but the closer we get the more connected we are. Touching vims cannot lie to each other, unless one is significantly more developed & older, as the may have developed past a younger Vims understanding.