
Robots are not considered sentient and are tools to be used

Partil is mostly made up of manufactuing, built around a pillar, its smaller than Pier

How do we secure the package?

Tensions rise with Dagonet as Ajax attempts to intimidate him

We have to figure out how to remove this pelican case from a pallet without triggering the bots..

  • Vim with Bungle’s help attempts to remove the pack without setting off alarms
    • Success! Vim is able to use his vine like limbs to nimbly remove the package

Dagonet attempts to set off the security to ‘see our worth’

  • Vim is able to talk him down, - ‘hey, if you want to see what we’re worth, notice that we are carrying out this missing without raising any alarms!! This is what we are worth’

Afterwards, The Party walks to the next cart. Inside is a first class crew and a guard. Vim tells the guard that we’re inspecting the cart while keeping an eye on our two tagalongs, Dagonet and Flip Reebes

The train comes to a stop

The Party gets off the train Vim thanks the guard and excuses himself to the guests. Everyone appears to be unnoticed as we leave the station, separate from Flip Reebes and Dagonet, since they don’t have our security credentials.

After we leave the station, Dagonet calls after Flip Reebes as he starts to run away.

Then the station blows up.

Vim runs into the station, transforms into a police and tells everyone to calm down and evacuate and then is able to slice into the train’s terminal and remove any trace of The Party from their records.

As Vim runs back to the group, he directs the arriving officers, telling people what needs to be done to help. Ajax hides the box and sits and watches the train, Ardolus stealth’s away from the explosion. Bungle disguises as an officer and walks away. Flip Reebes, thecoward, runs away for his life.

Ajax notices that it seems like folks from the later carts survived the explosion.

We make it back to Setebos

Vim wants her to know that The Party did not set off the explosion. She shares that Weighted Snow was responsible for some bank attack. She opens the package and shows that it has some extra spell slot stuff in there.

We are rewarded, 7 rations and 200 credits each

Setebos doesn’t disagree with Weighted Snow’s The Partil Rail Attack, they seem to empathize with the frustrations.

Setebos mentions she was surprised that Flip Reebes wasn’t useful, since he is from the well known Reebes family.

Upon The Party pushing for more rewards due to the high profile nature of the job, Setebos offers a place to stay, along with some additional meals in the coming days.


The heist went off without a hitch… And then the station exploded. Who is Dagonet and how could he do such harm to his fellow humans? Also, why would Maddox ask me to follow such a cowardly, useless man as Flip?