We Start back in combat

The driods are mostly dismantled, but the purger is still fresh.

We end the fight by Bungle putting the purger to sleep and then blowing up all the droids. Vim gets the purger’s dossier Stolen Purger Info. The purgers been tracking us. Vim keeps all the new info to himself, but Bungle notices he takes some data. Ajax pockets all the credits off the purger, but Ardolus notices. They share some criminal glances

We get some Info from Purgers and Iod

Flip asks ajax to get all the info about Iod out of the purger. Flip tries to learn the purgers name to help humanize him, but Ajax plugs his ears. He wants to be violent. Ajax gets real scary and demands the precise info on Iod’s info. The purger sneaks in that his name is Logan later.

We learn that the lever for the door is underneath some stuff behind the desk. Flip was afraidcoward of the lever as a trap but it actually opened the door to where Iod was.

Iod is beat up and tied up. Flip asks Ajax to ask for more detail on how the hecale Couplings ended up on the train. The purgers were sending them to partil for experiments. There are more purgers planning to make moves documented in Purger Movement. Logan is the tied up purger. Setebos asked to kill him, but Flip is against. Ajax makes the final call.

After reading the Stolen Purger Info shared by Vim, Flip vaguely remembers the person named Ferdinand that was mentioned.

Brend is southeast of Reuse, no informants there Setebos has contact with Mayor Gawaine Banil (relative to Dagonet) in Partil

We start driving back with Ardolus at the wheel and Iod. Flip starts asking questsions. Iod doesn’t know much about Dagonet. Iod was gonna give the Partil devlivery to Puck. Puck was regular courier for couplings, and he was coming down for this delivery. However, Logan was there instead and told Iod he would handle delivery. This is how Iod got in real trouble. Puck might not be safe if the purgers were able to intercept like this. We finally deliver Iod back to Trete.

We call Setebos. The summary:

Setebos: You know his name!? Ajax: I crushed his trachea!

The Lighthouse in Partil : This is a running advertising campaign to reestablish space travel in partil. This lighthouse is realted to the KG project.

New NPC Dump

Head Purger Maddox head purger

Chief Brogua reuse police chief

Bodyguard Frenic is sorlina’s bodybuard

Bearer Sorlina bearer of Pier, queen basically.

I think that Dagonet is stopping transit to stoppurger organization heading towards Partil. Ardolus is gonna use his insurgent connections. We need to meet people in the same Actel Transportation train station at the start of the Train Heist mission.

Our next plan:

  1. get info from rebels that might be meeting up at the train station
  2. Flip wants to leave Reuse. They are searching for all the party, and all the leads point there.