The infiltration starts

Bungle scales the wall towards the security room with a grappling hook. Vim takes a hoop out and uses his light dagger (on a chain) to cut a hole in the window. Purple light saber.

Bungle and Vim are disguised as maintenance workers and the begin searching inside. They find a bunch of weird monitors. They do someleethaxorz shit. They do not find Iod on the cameras.

They surmise that s missing room from the cameras is on the first floor. Somewhere towards the back. They spot thepurger on the first floor in the garage area. There’s a bunch of bots.

Time to make a splash

The infiltration team gets noticed, so they request a distraction. Ajax bursts into the first floor and combat begins.

Ardolus blows up a droid. Vim rushes into thepurger’s office and makes a play with hishecale powers, but it fails and he goes down when droids rush him. Ajax and Ardolus go on a crit spree and mash up these droids supporting thepurger.Flip Reebes uses his ownhecale powers to heal Vim back up. We end the sesssion with most of the droids totaled, but thepurger basically untouched.